
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Sheffield Board Games Club Podcast Episode 16
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
This month Rick is joined by Scott and we discuss board games we have been playing recently. We talk about Chronicles of Crime, Dinogenics, Tiny Epic Dinosaurs, Majesty and Crown of Emara.
We then discuss our favourite 6 player games.

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sheffield Board Games Club Podcast Episode 15
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
This month we speak to Ellie Dix who runs The Dark Imp. We talk about how she works to design family friendly games that will also appeal to hobby gamers. Rick and Tom discuss games we have played recently which are Memoir 44, Magic the Gathering, Chess and Kennerspiel winner The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine.
We also have a quick chat about conventions and how they have moved online.

Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sheffield Board Games Club Podcast Episode 14
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
This month, Rick is joined by Tom Coldron and Tom Lovewell. We talk about games we have played recently and Tom L chats to Thibaut Devigne and Zoromeya about their recently released game Houses of Knowledge. We also discuss the new Spiel Des Jahres nominees and our favourite games from the awards past.

Sunday May 31, 2020
Sheffield Board Games Club Podcast Episode 13
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Rick and Samuel discuss games we have been playing, including Twilight Struggle, Kingdomino, Sobek and Dragonheart. We also talk about choose your own adventure books.

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Sheffield Board Games Club Podcast Episode 12
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
In this episode, Tom Lovewell, Tom Coldron and Rick discuss boardgaming while under lockdown. Tom L interviews Dave Wetherall while at Airecon and we discuss his games which include High Low Zero, Rockpool and KaleidoCards. Also, Rick tells us about his plays of Valletta and Tom L talks about Warren Wars.

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sheffield Board Games Club Podcast Episode 11
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
A very special episode today, Rick is joined by Tom Coldron who has a game called Categorickell on Kickstarter and Mark Dainty who runs Not Bored Gaming Youtube channel.
We discuss games we have played recently including Taj Mahal, Isle of Cats, Horrified and Nemesis. Tom then tells us about the Kickstarter game he has designed using the ELL deck (by Behrooz 'Bez' Shahriari).
Then Mark tells us about the challenges and rewards of running his own Youtube channel.
Tom's Kickstarter
Mark's Gaming Channel
"Join our Guild on Board Game Geek at: https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/3610 A haven for board gamers and, more specifically, those of us who like Solo Boardgaming. With reviews, unboxing, discussions, news, playthroughs - you know, the whole banana!! You can also follow us on Facebook at @not bored gaming Remember - If you can't find anyone else to play with, there's nothing wrong with playing with yourself. Email: Notboredgaming@icloud.com"
Links to games
Description of Categorickell from Kickstarter -
"The rebirth of the ELL deck. The first featured game is: CATEGORICKELL!
A fast, frantic, tug-of-war for 2-6 players (2 teams), 5-10 minutes, ages 8+
Think of a country, starting with S or G! You are racing to do this before the other team! Each time you win, the 'active card' moves closer to you. Keep beating the other team to get it to your side and then score a point!
There are 19 suggested categories. Easy ones (e.g. food and drink), harder ones (e.g. musical groups/composers), and meta-categories (e.g. words exactly 5 letters long). Of course, you can also create your own topics if you have specific knowledge. Once, I watched 2 people play a full game, with the category of 'cosmetic products sold by our company'!"

Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Sheffield Board Games Club Podcast Episode 10
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
In this episode Samuel, Rick and Tom Lovewell from Redwell Games discuss board games Ethnos, Underwater Cities and Zombie Kids. Tom and Samuel tell us about playtesting new games and Rick and Samuel tell us about board gaming books The Board Game Book Volume 1 and It's All A Game - A Short History of Board Games.
Our question of the week is 'Does everyone love a game but you dislike it?'
Board Game Books -
Bgg Links -
Redwell Games -

Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Sheffield Board Games Club Podcast Episode 9
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
This month, a very special interview with Jim Freeman, owner and MD of Patriot Games in Sheffield.
"Patriot Games is a Bricks and Mortar Gaming Store, an FLGS (Friendly Local Games Store). It is situated in the heart of Sheffield and has been dedicated to promoting and supporting gaming in all its forms for more than 21 years."
Club members Rick and Samuel discuss recently played games Loot, Tiny Towns, Wavelength and Just One. We also discuss solo gaming.